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Economic disparity during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected billions of people around the world. Several people have lost jobs, homes, their businesses, and family members. However, the economic disparity between those who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic has been severe between those living in developed countries and those living in developing countries. While many have had the privilege of being able to order food through online delivery, Covid-19 has caused severe famines in developing countries. For example, in Madagascar, where widespread famines have occurred due to the closing of borders and lack of proper transportation as a result of the pandemic, many people in rural locations have had to resort to eating sand in order to survive, leading to the spread of several diseases and deaths. This incident shows how the pandemic has severely affected those with poorer circumstances. It also teaches us how those who live in the developed world have access to more resources and how we all must work together, regardless of our circumstances, to make sure we can fight this virus together and overcome our differences to create a more positive society.

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